Event time: 9:00am — 10:00am
Location: Madison Hub North, Convene, 101 Park Avenue
Event organizer: UNDP Colombia
Forests4Peace highlights the power of nature to build sustainable and lasting peace in Colombia’s most biodiverse regions. It features three solutions based on nature, led by communities that have been affected by war and climate change, and that today build a resilient and peaceful future. Come meet Raquel Espinoza and her story in the tropical forest of eastern Meta. A victim of violence in the Yari plains, Raquel will share how her community is restoring the forest and creating a biological corridor for species and water, adapting their lives to climate change. Meet Dairen Murillo and the hidden paradises in the humid jungle, where she promotes an ecotourism initiative in one of the areas most affected by deforestation. Learn how this initiative supports climate change adaptation in these tourist destinations. Lastly, travel through the history of the products of peace. Carmen, a victim of violence in the Montes de María, will share how recovering and protecting their native seeds is preparing them face climate change, turning it into an opportunity to improve their livelihoods by selling their surplus crops to the most exclusive restaurants in Colombia. Three solutions based on nature that speak of the resilience of communities and forests.
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Partners/Sponsors: Ministry of Enviroment, NRC, Norwegian embassy, Cooperativa de ex-combatientes J.E; Cooperativa Catypsa; Colciencias; UN Verification Mission in Colombia; Corpoayari – community based organization