Nature4Climate is a global coalition of environmental organizations dedicated to promoting nature's role in tackling the climate crisis.
Nature-based solutions
Nature can provide up to one-third of the cost-effective climate mitigation needed by 2030 while also safeguarding livelihoods, natural ecosystems and biodiversity.
We need the world to work #WithNature and our economy to become #NaturePositive.
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Nature4Climate voices
Iván Duque Márquez
Former President of Colombia
Christiana Figueres
Former Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC
and Founding Partner at Global Optimism
Imran Khan
Former Prime Minister, Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Uhuru Kenyatta
Former President of the Republic, Kenya
Eron Bloomgarden
Executive Director, Emergent
Johan Rockström
Chief Scientist, Conservation International and Co-Director of the Potsdam Institute
Elizabeth Maruma Mrema
Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity
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About Nature4Climate
Nature4Climate (N4C) is a global coalition of environmental organizations dedicated to promoting nature’s role in tackling the climate crisis and fostering a nature-positive future.

Science and Research
Nature-based solutions are scientifically-backed ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and storing additional carbon in the world’s forests, grasslands and wetlands.

NCS Pathways
Explore solutions that help protect, adapt, manage, and restore natural ecosystems with the most effective results in terms of cost, climate, and biodiversity.