Nature for the Planet: Building a Nature Positive Future
BirdLife International, Trillion Trees, IUCN
Wednesday, November 16th, 2022
18:00:00 - 20:00:00
With rising global political tension relating to energy, climate, and ever-increasing competition for financial resources to address multiple challenges, now is the time to act to demonstrate the power of collaboration to accelerate progress towards a nature-positive future, and so protect the vital ecosystems that deliver biodiversity, health communities and a more stable climate.
This event will bring together key global players to argue for this shift in perspective, recognising that no individual actor can succeed alone; also celebrating progress so far, but with a call to action to mobilise further resources, hold those accountable to deliver on new and existing commitments, and highlight what is needed to transform the way we protect and restore our greatest natural assets.
- MC: Sweta Chakraborty
- H.E. Dr Yasmine Fouad, Minister for Environment, Egypt
- Nigel Topping, Razan Al Mubarak
- Bedouin representative
- Patricia Zurita, BirdLife International