United for Climate: Broad-Based Support for Natural Climate Solutions in the U.S.

U.S. Nature4Climate

Monday, September 23rd, 2024
12:00 - 13:00

As the 2024 U.S. election approaches, the future of climate action remains uncertain. Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) have garnered broad-based support across political lines, regions, and communities, including farmers, forest owners, and BIPOC groups. Recent polls show overwhelming voter support, and NCS-enabling legislation has passed through Congress, with increasing on-the-ground implementation.

Despite this support, current efforts to scale NCS fall short of their potential. Accelerating both public and private financing is crucial to meet U.S. climate goals. Strategies that draw bipartisan support, such as incentives for farmers and market-based approaches, can boost ambition.

Sponsored by U.S. Nature4Climate (USN4C) and the Environmental & Energy Study Institute (EESI), this event will feature USN4C staff presenting polling results and research-informed messaging for NCS advocates. A diverse panel representing a variety of perspectives will discuss strategies to scale NCS implementation, detailing how specific approaches can help meet climate goals and why NCS has broad support. The event concludes with a Q&A session.

Location: Convene, 101 Park Ave, New York. Room: Pershing Hub.
