Wildlife Conservation Society
Accelerating jurisdictional REDD+ finance and implementation
Tuesday 24th September 2024
13:30 - 14:30
As 2024 is tracking to be the hottest year on record, time is of the essence to support tropical forest governments and other forest stewards to implement policies that reduce deforestation at a large scale. Protecting the world’s remaining forests through jurisdictional REDD+ (JREDD+) finance not only mitigates climate change, but can also drive low-carbon economic growth, strengthen Indigenous-led conservation, and safeguard critical biodiversity.
Jurisdictional-scale crediting includes JREDD+ programs at the national or subnational scale and REDD+ projects that are “nested” into bigger jurisdictional programs. JREDD+ crediting must be implemented, and paid for, in many countries to have any chance of halting and reversing deforestation and forest degradation by 2030.
However, for governments and other stakeholders to be able to access the level of finance needed, carbon markets will need to accommodate significantly increased supply and demand for high-integrity jurisdictional scale REDD+ crediting. Just as market governance initiatives and standards are converging around requirements for high integrity REDD+ crediting, corporates and other buyers can also seize this opportunity to invest in quality initiatives to deliver these much-needed outcomes for forest. This discussion will illustrate models for financing and implementing JREDD+ initiatives and how we can collectively support their advancement.
Location: Convene, 101 Park Ave, New York. Room: Pershing Hub.