Global Commons Alliance
Why is Nature at a Climate Summit?
Saturday 9th December 2023
13:30 - 14:30
The Nature Positive Pavilion is a huge community effort to put nature at the top of the to-do list for climate action. Coordinated by the Global Commons Alliance, Nature4Climate and the High-Level Climate Champions, alongside over 80 partners, it will be a key hub for conversations and action that connect people to nature and its role in safeguarding the future of life on Earth.
We’re delighted to welcome Planetary Guardians Mary Robinson and Earth Commissioner as well as Chair of IPBES, David Obura to open the afternoon session on Nature Day by sharing their insights on the role of ‘nature-positive’ as an integral part of climate action. Join us to hear their personal stories about guardianship of this wonderful planet. Be inspired to open your heart and gather your courage to enable even more transformative change towards an equitable, net zero, nature positive world.