Climate Action and UNEP FI

Nature Finance Forum Europe

Paris Pullman Montparnasse (France)

Monday 28th April 2025
Paris (France)

Key themes at this year’s Forum include:

Landscapes Level Approaches
On the ground case studies of the Nature based solutions projects and nature positive real assets that are successfully tying agriculture, forestry, tourism and carbon sequestration, into traceable, financeable nature capital.

Regulation and Risks
Hear directly from the work of regulators in fostering nature markets and more adequately pricing nature-related risks into the financial sector and broader economy.

The Real Economy
How are leading corporates, insurers and banks viewing nature through the prism of resilience and how can investors capitalize on this work.

Tools and Data
Grasp the latest metrication work being done by innovative technology firms and data providers collecting, collating and establishing usability in nature data for corporations and their financial institutions.

Carbon Markets
Having shown themselves to be a key revenue source for nature restoration projects. Understand the latest developments in the Voluntary Carbon Markets and what Article 6.4 means for your portfolio.
