FSC Investments & Partnerships

Verifying Ecosystem Services as a Nature-based Solution for Community and Family Forest Owners

Tuesday 24th September 2024
12:00 - 13:00

Forests are crucial in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss, serving as homes for 80% of terrestrial biodiversity and supporting millions of Indigenous Peoples. However, beyond carbon offsetting, sustainable forest management is key to preserving these vital ecosystems. The upcoming event will explore how creating financial market access for historically excluded groups, like small-acreage landowners, can promote equity. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the world’s leading forest certification system, is implementing Verified Impact, a program to monitor and improve ecosystem services in forests. High-quality climate and nature data is collected, verified, then registered as ecosystem services (ES) claims, including carbon storage, clean water, healthy soil, biodiversity, recreation, and cultural values. These claims can attract investment from corporate and philanthropic entities. The event will showcase FSC’s collaborations with corporate partners and community forest owners, highlighting the potential of Verified Impact to support global forest conservation efforts. Speakers from FSC US, Milliken Advisors, and Esri, will discuss how verifying ES claims can benefit community forest owners and enhance the credibility of nature-based solutions. Location: Convene, 101 Park Ave, New York. Room: Park Hub.