Mon 2nd December, 13:15-14:45 || Global climate action: Indigenous rights, territories and resources

A bird standing in shallow water near a marsh, surrounded by tall grasses and lily pads.

DATE AND TIME: 2nd December, 13:15-14:45 VENUE: Room 6 TYPE OF EVENT: Side event – LGMA ORGANIZATION Climate Alliance Austria (CAA), Action Solidarité Tiers-Monde a.s.b.l. (ASTM), Instituto de Ecología y Antropología de Acción (INFOE) SPEAKERS: Representative of FOIRN, Rio Negro, Brazil Representative of Instituto Socioambiental, Brazil Representative of Climate Alliance Austria FIND OUT MORE

DATE AND TIME: 2nd December, 13:15-14:45

VENUE: Room 6

TYPE OF EVENT: Side event – LGMA

ORGANIZATION Climate Alliance Austria (CAA), Action Solidarité Tiers-Monde a.s.b.l. (ASTM), Instituto de Ecología y Antropología de Acción (INFOE)

SPEAKERS: Representative of FOIRN, Rio Negro, Brazil Representative of Instituto Socioambiental, Brazil Representative of Climate Alliance Austria