Nature @ C0P27 Daily Brief – Nov. 7


COP 27 is finally here and in addition to an exciting events schedule and news coming out of the Nature Zone and Nature’s Newsroom, we are keeping our eyes and ears out for anything nature related inside the Blue Zone. Our Daily Nature Brief at COP27 will be coming out every morning from 7-18 November with an inside scoop into the most important climate conference of the year. Don’t forget to subscribe to receive the brief directly in your email.

Here is what we’ve heard on day 1:

Forest and Climate Leaders’ Summit

As 30,000 people descend on Sharm, you’ll hear a number of buzzwords bouncing throughout the venue’s many, many, many corridors: finance, loss and damage (now an agenda item!), adaptation, ambition, Article 6, all among them. As always, Carbon Brief provides excellent analysis, as does TNC. For us, we’re focusing on the nature agenda, which in one way or another touches on all those broader topics. FOLU’s Morgan Gillespy did a nice curtain raiser of what to keep an eye on with the forest agenda. We’re looking forward to the Forest and Leaders’ Climate Summit this evening, where a group of world leaders, including the UK Prime Minister, will launch the Forest and Climate Leaders’ Partnership to focus on the delivery and accountability of previous climate pledges. At that event, at 17.00 local time, a broader group of stakeholders will report on progress since COP26. We’ll provide a full breakdown of the announcements in tomorrow’s issue.

N4C Launches Expanded Policy Tracker

Nature4Climate and our partners Metabolic have updated and expanded the database for the NbS Policy Tracker, launched in 2021 at COP26. The NbS Policy Tracker is the world’s largest global public policy database that facilitates the delivery of crucial NbS solutions. This includes legislation (laws or constitutions), subsidies, and strategies and plans with budgets. In addition to these policies, the database now also includes NbS in international commitments, such as the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs).

The nature-based policies identified—both last year and this year—will be available on the new N4C website and further integrated into N4C’s upcoming Naturebase platform.


N4C At COP27


The Nature Zone pavilion is a dedicated space at COP27 to bring to life the momentum, action, and impact that surrounds Nature Positive – the global goal to immediately halt and reverse nature loss by 2030. All events will be open for everyone to attend unless otherwise stated. Those not able to attend in person can watch the live stream on Nature4Climate’s YouTube channel.

The Nature Zone kicked off yesterday with a workshop that brought together all Nature Zone collaborators and allies, including Johan Rockström and Manuel Pulgar Vidal, to align on our shared vision to create a Nature Positive future. This was followed by an evening session celebrating African ministerial leadership toward a Nature Positive Net-Zero Future

The Nature Zone is co-sponsored by The Nature Conservancy, Bloomberg Philanthropies, National Geographic Society, The Climate Pledge, Conservation International, Environmental Defense Fund, the Wildlife Conservation Society, BirdLife International, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich, Restor, Trillion Trees, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, American Forests, WWF International, the World Resources Institute and the Global Evergreening Alliance.

If you’re on the ground, find us in Zone C. Here’s a helpful map, in case, like us, you find yourself hopelessly lost.


Nature’s Newsroom is a bespoke broadcast studio within the Nature Zone which will be sharing nature positive stories via video content captured at COP27. The Newsroom will broadcast live from its studio daily starting Tuesday. There will be a Nature Positive show going live 10.30 am local time each day, as well as interviews from partners including Eurovision and We Don’t Have Time. For daily content from the Newsroom, please go to the Trello board, where we will upload the best of our content each day.


Alongside efforts to rapidly accelerate greenhouse gas emissions reductions:
• Investors must stop investing in the conversion of intact ecosystems, especially deforestation, and businesses that deplete nature, and start funding high-integrity Nature-based Solutions.
• Companies must commit to science-based targets for climate and nature and disclose their impacts and dependencies on nature throughout their value chains.
• Governments must deliver an ambitious global framework and action agenda for biodiversity at the upcoming Convention on Biodiversity (COP15) and fully recognise nature’s role as a key climate solution in the formal outcome of COP27.
• Investors, companies, governments and civil society must work together with great urgency to reduce and reverse the socio-economic drivers and pressures causing nature’s decline and rising greenhouse gas emissions while recognising the common but differentiated responsibilities of different peoples.


  • Bring your own sustenance, especially water. In the words of one insider “snacks, snacks, snacks”
  • If you find a toilet, remember where it is 
  • If you have a cartographer friend, bring her or him with you. Seriously though, leave yourself extra time as it is a large and hard to navigate venue 
  • Wifi was spotty on Day 1, but insiders found strong signals by the Egyptian pavilion 
  • Buy a sim card at the airport. Vodafone is providing free ones, but expect long queues and note they are only 10GB
  • Make sure to have cash (US dollars widely accepted)
  • Be prepared for longer journeys on shuttle buses
  • Early reports are good coffee at the Food Systems Pavilion 


In the rush to COP, in case you missed it:

World Bank Climate and Development Brief: Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilience and Adaptation
policy brief from the World Bank drilling down on their Climate Change Action Plan’s nature-based solutions for adaptation.

Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Updated Beta Framework
The TNFD releases v0.3 of its beta framework for nature-related risk & opportunity management and disclosure, including revised draft disclosure recommendations, for market consultation.

Salesforce to Launch 3 Initiatives at COP27
Salesforce has previewed 3 new initiatives related to nature restoration and carbon markets: The Blue Carbon Framework, The Nature Accelerator, and The Eco-Restoration Project in Zambia.

Understanding Corporate Climate and Nature Strategies and the Role of Tropical Forest Protection
US-based nonprofit Emergent shares a white paper providing an in-depth analysis of emerging best practice for corporate climate and nature strategies, supported by real-world examples, as well as the role of jurisdictional REDD+ within these strategies.

Understanding the role of credits from High Forest Low Deforestation (HFLD) jurisdictions in climate mitigation portfolios
Climate Impact X, Conservation International, Emergent, Natural Climate Solutions Alliance and the Wildlife Conservation Society have come together to share a white paper that can help ambitious companies make more informed decisions about using credits from HFLD jurisdictions within broader climate mitigation portfolios.

Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI) Report: Agribusiness taskforce action plan for scaling regenerative farming.
A group of some of the world’s largest and most influential agribusiness companies and organisations launched an action plan to scale regenerative agriculture globally to tackle the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss.

Raising the bar: A baseline review of finance sector action on deforestation
Global Canopy has conducted a baseline review of action on deforestation of 557 financial institutions that have made significant climate commitments, including the financial institutions in Race to Zero and GFANZ.

Tropical Forest Perspectives
Tropical Forest Alliance launches the second edition of Perspectives, an interactive digital report sharing key insights on tropical forest conservation. This edition investigates priority issues facing forest-risk commodities, such as how to produce beef more sustainably in Latin American biomes and how the palm oil sector in Africa is tackling the problem of deforestation.

National Food and Land Mitigation Pathways for Net Zero
The Food and Land Use Coalition alongside the FABLE Consortium presents a policy brief that supports countries in identifying priority actions in national food and land use systems that contribute to the achievement of net zero targets and hold global warming below 2˚C.


Some ‘firsts’ occurring at COP27: The inclusion of Loss & Damage in the formal negotiations and the first food-focused pavilions and events at a COP.


Brazil, Indonesia and DRC in talks to form ‘Opec of rainforests’
The Guardian, Patrick Greenfield, 5 November

US and Brazil can prevent the next food crisis [Commentary]
The Hill, Nigel Purvis and Natalie Unterstell, 3 November

Zero deforestation in the Amazon is now possible – here’s what needs to happen
The Conversation, Rachael Garrett, 4 November

Carbon-Credit ‘Fraud’ Assumptions Are Challenged in New Study
Bloomberg, Alastair Marsh, 2 November

Asset manager Schroders unveils ‘Plan for Nature’
BusinessGreen, Elliot Gulliver-Needham, 2 November

Wall Street Firm Makes a $1.8 Billion Bet on Forest Carbon Offsets
The Wall Street Journal, Ryan Dezember, 2 November

Brazil supreme court ruling to reactivate Amazon Fund gives hope in fight to save rainforest
The Guardian, Andrew Downie, 3 November

Platform eyes role in explosion of REDD+ projects beyond rainforests
Carbon Pulse, Paddy Gourlay, 4 November

Brazilian forest protection scheme takes shape in wake of Lula victory
Carbon Pulse, William Koblensky Varela, 4 November

Study Shows Protected Forests Are Cooler
Inside Climate News, Bob Berwyn, 2 November

Tree-planting and land pledges would need area bigger than US, report estimates
Financial Times, Camilla Hodgson, 1 November

€1.3 billion announced for new Forestry Supports
Government of Ireland, 3 November

Carbon credits are changing timberland ownership and investment models – Manulife
Agri Investor, Chris Janiec, 3 November

Accelerator programme launched to link forestry start-ups with carbon buyers
BusinessGreen, Cecilia Keating, 4 November

Nordea Asset Management ends Brazil bond ban after Lula pledges conservation
BusinessGreen, Laura Miller, 4 November

GOP Plans to Offer Oil, Gas and Trees As Climate Fixes in Next Congress
Bloomberg, Ari Natter, 3 November

A Warming Siberia, Wracked by Wildfires, Nears a Crucial Threshold
The New York Times, Henry Fountain, 3 November

In the Amazon, a giant fish helps save the rainforest
Associated Press, Fabiano Maisonnave and Jorge Saenz, 3 November

Big agriculture warns farming must change or risk ‘destroying the planet’
The Guardian, Dominic Rushe, 3 November

Can a Nation Replace Its Oil Wealth With Trees?
The New York Times, Dionne Searcey and Arlette Bashizi, 3 November

There’s a Big Problem With Countries’ Plans to Plant More Trees
Gizmodo, Molly Taft, 3 November

Central Africa: Log export ban postponed indefinitely
Afrik21, Boris Ngounou, 2 November

COP 15: 330 companies demand mandatory nature impact assessments
Afrik21, Boris Ngounou, 3 November

Jujuy signs agreement with ALLCOT to make its entry into the carbon bond market viable
Allcot, 3 November

Maryland Releases Plan to Plant 5M Trees Statewide
Conduit Street, Dominic Butchko, 3 November

Global reforestation company launches accelerator funding for carbon credit projects
Carbon Pulse, Katherine Monahan, 3 November

One quarter of a million Delta Blue Carbon credits snapped up at auction
Carbon Pulse, Paddy Gourlay, 3 November

Ratings agency finds minority of REDD+ credits are good quality
Carbon Pulse, Paddy Gourlay, 3 November

VCM integrity bodies tout ‘incremental’ approach as work continues
Carbon Pulse, Katherine Monahan, 3 November

COP15 is Canada’s chance to set the agenda on the global biodiversity crisis [Commentary]
The Narwhal, Steven Guilbeault, 1 November

Report: Leaders’ vow to slow forest loss rings hollow ahead of climate talks
Mongabay, Malavika Vyawahare, 1 November

Who decides on ‘priorities’ for ecosystem restoration?
Mongabay, John Cannon, 2 November

Meet the Millennium Forest: A unique tropical island reforestation project
Mongabay, Jeremy Hance, 2 November

Honduran forest governance agreement brings cautious hope
Mongabay, Sandra Cuffe, 3 November

Bolsonaro loses election but finds big support in Amazon Arc of Deforestation
Mongabay, André Schröder, 3 November

Podcast: Forest conservation for climate defense & cultural preservation
Mongabay, Mike Gaworecki, 2 November

Government appoints fund managers for planned Big Nature Impact fund 
BusinessGreen, Beth Brearley, 3 November

If we keep abusing nature it will collapse, taking us with it. We need a new mindset [Commentary]
The Guardian, Christiana Figueres, 2 November

RSPB expands Fair to Nature certification scheme
BusinessGreen, James Murray, 3 November

Sustainable Financing in Amazon, Cerrado and Chaco
The Nature Conservancy, 1 November

No pathway to Paris without 1 gigaton of forest emissions reductions by 2025 
UN REDD, Gabriel Labatte,1 November

Are carbon markets helping to slow climate change? Maybe.
The Washington Post, Jessica F. Green, 2 November

Leaving Some Farmland Fallow Benefits the Air We Breathe
Civil Eats, Virginia Gewin, 2 November

‘Carbon timebomb’: climate crisis threatens to destroy Congo peatlands
The Guardian, Damian Carrington, 2 November

From missed targets to regulations at risk: Is Rishi Sunak’s government really prepared to protect nature?
BusinessGreen, Cecilia Keating,1 November

Three major developments in 2022 may shift the world’s climate trajectory
The Washington Post, Michael Birnbaum, 1 November

Cop27 is here and the climate crisis is daunting but here’s the key to tackling it – cheer up[Commentary]
The Guardian, Isabel Losada, 4 November