Nature4Climate: new NatureTech white paper to explore how technology can support natural climate solutions

Nature underpins human prosperity and well-being by providing economic value and security, supporting human development and equality, and increasing our resilience to climate change. $44 trillion of economic value generation – over half the world’s total GDP – is moderately or highly dependent on nature and its services and, as a result, exposed to risks […]
Nature underpins human prosperity and well-being by providing economic value and security, supporting human development and equality, and increasing our resilience to climate change. $44 trillion of economic value generation – over half the world’s total GDP – is moderately or highly dependent on nature and its services and, as a result, exposed to risks from nature loss.
Through monitoring and measuring, Nature Tech can help address the challenges of climate change and nature loss, supporting global sustainability goals. Given the point we are at in these crises, we need all the innovation, speed, and scalability that technology can offer to bring us back on a path toward a stable and nature-abundant planet.
In order to scale NBS, we need Nature Tech alongside other efforts to help us overcome some of its particular challenges. It’s hard to demonstrate and monitor the effectiveness of NBS such as biodiversity, carbon stocks, climate adaptation and social justice. NBS require a combination of labour, finance and knowledge and skills.
A new white paper written by the Nature4Climate Nature Tech partner group helps answer important questions such as: What is Nature Tech? Why does Nature Tech matter? How can Nature Tech help us with both the nature and climate crises? and much more.