Event time: 3:00pm — 6:00pm Location: Park Hub, Convene, 101 Park Avenue Event organizer: Global Platform for the New York Decalaration on Forests, NYDF Progress Assessment Five years ago, a historic coalition of governments, companies, indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs), and civil society organizations pledged in the NYDF to work together to end deforestation […]
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Event time: 3:00pm — 6:00pm
Location: Park Hub, Convene, 101 Park Avenue
Event organizer: Global Platform for the New York Decalaration on Forests, NYDF Progress Assessment
Five years ago, a historic coalition of governments, companies, indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs), and civil society organizations pledged in the NYDF to work together to end deforestation by 2030. Unfortunately, the world is not on track to meet the 2020 or 2030 targets of the NYDF, with deforestation on the rise across the globe. This event will provide an opportunity to reflect on the lessons learned, biggest challenges, and what is needed to move forward from NYDF endorsers and other key stakeholders; recognize individual or localized progress; and provide a forum for ambitious announcements that can drive change to 2020 and beyond. Panelists and participants will include Ministers and senior officials from donor and forest countries, NYDF endorsers, representatives from the NYDF Assessment partners, bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, financial institutions, leading scientists, and senior staff from environmental organizations and companies. Five years ago, this community made a historic commitment, we hope to reinvigorate that commitment and turn the momentum into action.
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