DATE AND TIME: 7th December 14:00-15:00 VENUE: Action Stage PARTICIPANTS: Open to all ORGANIZATION: Nature4Climate, Youth4Nature, Voice for the Planet Nature4Climate in partnership with Youth4Nature and Voice for the Planet rally for natural climate solutions at the Climate Action Hub in Madrid. The rally features an intergenerational call to action through a series of short […]
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DATE AND TIME: 7th December 14:00-15:00
VENUE: Action Stage
ORGANIZATION: Nature4Climate, Youth4Nature, Voice for the Planet
Nature4Climate in partnership with Youth4Nature and Voice for the Planet rally for natural climate solutions at the Climate Action Hub in Madrid.
The rally features an intergenerational call to action through a series of short high energy intergenerational speakers spelling out essential strategies to deliver scale-up of natural climate solutions and how they can both stop biodiversity decline and deliver the Sustainable Development Goals.