403. A Great Green Wall of cities against climate change: How do we make it happen? by David Miller, North America Director, C40 Climate Leadership Group: 2:45pm – 4:30pm
Event time: 2:45pm — 4:30pm Location: Park Hub, Convene, 101 Park Avenue Event organizer: WWF Food Practice, WWF US, WWF AUS, WWF Brazil Grasslands and Savannahs are forgotten landscapes in conservation action. They offer sequestration opportunities at an unparalleled scale while supporting food production, biodiversity and ecosystem services. Beef production can co-exist with wildlife and […]
Event time: 2:45pm — 4:30pm
Location: Park Hub, Convene, 101 Park Avenue
Event organizer: WWF Food Practice, WWF US, WWF AUS, WWF Brazil
Grasslands and Savannahs are forgotten landscapes in conservation action. They offer sequestration opportunities at an unparalleled scale while supporting food production, biodiversity and ecosystem services. Beef production can co-exist with wildlife and safeguard ecosystem services. This event will explore the increasing knowledge of regenerative beef production, what corporates and industries are doing to speed its uptake and the limitations present. The event will showcase successful nature-based solutions driven by the private sector and raise awareness of the importance of grassland and savannahs. Corporate action in supply chains, sector-wide transformation, industry commitments and on-ground projects will be showcased to demonstrate possible climate action in the beef industry and its role in managing grasslands and savannahs. The event will discuss how grassland management could contribute to 1.5 degree Climate target. Firstly, it is vital we eliminate conversion. Management of grasslands should include efforts to maintain ecosystem services and restore natural habitat. The challenge includes consumption patterns and the relationship between increasing demand and increased threats. In plenary, sector wide initiatives, industry groups, business, community and farmers will present. Starting with an overview of the value of grasslands and savannahs by WWF, others will respond with demonstrable progress being made by beef industry on sustainable management of grasslands.
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Partners/Sponsors: Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef