501. Do NBS work? Exploring the evidence that NBS can provide a triple win for climate, biodiversity, and poverty: 4:45pm – 6:00pm

Event time: 4:45pm – 6:00pm Location: Madison Hub North, Convene, 101 Park Avenue Event organizer: Nature Based Solutions Initiative, University of Oxford There is growing awareness that NBS can help to protect us from climate change impacts whilst slowing further warming, supporting biodiversity and securing ecosystem services. However, the potential of NbS to provide the […]
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Event time: 4:45pm – 6:00pm
Location: Madison Hub North, Convene, 101 Park Avenue
Event organizer: Nature Based Solutions Initiative, University of Oxford
There is growing awareness that NBS can help to protect us from climate change impacts whilst slowing further warming, supporting biodiversity and securing ecosystem services. However, the potential of NbS to provide the intended benefits has not been rigorously assessed and scientific evidence for the effectiveness of NbS is dispersed and difficult to access. We have addressed this issue by conducting a major systematic review of studies testing the effectiveness of NbS in dealing with the impacts of climate change and making this available in the form of an online NbS Evidence Tool. This session will start wtih a talk outlining the huge potential of nature to support human adaptation. Then, in a series of short interactive presentations by NBSI team members, we will provide an overview of our scope, aims and methods and we will present an overview of the evidence for the socio-economic and ecological effectiveness of NBS to dealing with the impacts of climate change. We will then demonstrate our NbS Effectiveness Evidence Tool. This makes scientific information on the effectiveness of NBS to climate change impacts more accessible to decision-makers, researchers and practitioners. The demonstration will be followed by a group discussion and we hope you will provide us with feedback so that we can improve our evidence and policy tools so that they are most useful to you.
- Prof. Nathalie Seddon (Nature Based Solutions Initiative, University of Oxford)
- Alexandre Chausson
- Beth Turner
- Dr. Cecile Girardin
Partners/Sponsors: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), UNEP-WCMC