#NatureNow Campaign Assets
The nature-based solutions movement needs to speak, wherever possible, with one voice — to achieve our collective goals at the UN Climate Action Summit and beyond into 2020.
Below you will find:
- Creative assets: Nature-based solutions make use of the original, and most natural resources that rebalance the Earth’s carbon cycle. We want to engage a broad audience on this topic, so we have carefully crafted social assets that can be used by your organization to tell the #NatureNow story.
- Suggested copy: Suggested social copy to complement the creative assets has also been provided. Please feel free to use this copy, or tailor the copy to suit your organization’s tone of voice.
- Download the Nature Now campaign guidelines (here)
- Download the Nature Now social toolkit (here)
- Download all Nature Now lock up variations (here)
Decade of regeneration (Download or URL)
Today, ASAP, Pronto (Download or URL)
Viable and immediate (Download or URL)
Protect, Restore, Fund (Download or URL)
One billion people out of poverty + (Download or URL)
During COP24 (3rd – 14th December 2018), we planted the #NatureNow seed and asked for support to communicate the need for governments to include natural climate solutions in their NDCs or what is commonly known as country pledges NOW. Here are some of our past assets.
COP24 TOOLKIT (Download)
Scalable, affordable and available NOW (Download)
We need to prioritize NOW (Download)
Nature can help us in response to climate change (Download)
Including NCS in your country pledges (Download)