305. Beyond forest-based solutions: The forest communities, a neglected asset: 11:30am – 1:00pm
News 09.09.19
Event time: 11:30am — 1:00pm
Location: Pershing Hub, Convene, 101 Park Avenue
Event organizer: COICA, AMAN, AMPB, APIB
Representative organizations of forest territories were among the signatories of the New York Forest Declaration in 2014, committing to protect 400 million hectares of tropical forests, with the objective of mitigating climate. Some of these organizations have been consolidating a Global Alliance of Territorial Communities, representing 17 countries, which aims to demonstrate the capacities of the communities that populate the tropical forest territories of the planet.
Its members are the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA), the Alliance of Indigenous Communities of the Archipelago (AMAN), the Mesoamerican Alliance of Forests and Peoples (AMPB), the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB), and REPALEC from RDC.
In order to full their commitment, these organizations have been working at the community level, strengthening their capacities to take advantage of new technology.
A panel will present some of these experiences:
- ORPIO, in Peru, has a network of monitors that use satellite alerts on their smartphones to discover illegal logging.
- ACOFOP, in Guatemala, has a fleet of 15 drones to monitor fires in community forests, whose information it shares with the state entity in charge the Maya Biosphere Reserve.
- AMAN has BRWA, an organization dedicated to the mapping of indigenous territories, which already has 9 million hectares mapped.
- The Tembé people in Brazil has set up a system to listen to the sounds of the forests with recycled cell phones to detect loggers.
Finally, Gregorio Mirabal, head of COICA and Rukka Sombolinghi, head of AMAN, will draw the conclusions from these initiatives and propose scaling up these capacities to contribute more efficiently to fight climate change.