Event time: 9:00am — 10:00am Location: Park Hub East, Convene, 101 Park Avenue Event organizer: The Nature Conservancy Representatives of indigenous and local communities will speak of their local, nature-based solutions for fighting climate change through traditional land, water and watershed management; fighting degradation and generating income through carbon sales; empowering indigenous peoples; and improving near […]
Event time: 9:00am — 10:00am
Location: Park Hub East, Convene, 101 Park Avenue
Event organizer: The Nature Conservancy
Representatives of indigenous and local communities will speak of their local, nature-based solutions for fighting climate change through traditional land, water and watershed management; fighting degradation and generating income through carbon sales; empowering indigenous peoples; and improving near shore fisheries and food security.
We will learn how efforts to create a watershed protected area and climate vulnerability assessments helped build community and ecosystem resilience in Yap, Micronesia. The Hadaza (a hunter-gatherer group) from Tanzania will tell of their community-based carbon program that secured customary rights to their lands. Hui Malama o Mo’onomi and Hui Makaʻāinana o Makana representatives will tell how their community-based subsistence fishing areas are restoring healthy ecosystems in coastal Hawai’I (Kauai and Maui) In Tugarahua, Ecuador, indigenous and local communities are protecting and restoring paramo ecosystems to improve the quality of life for 15,000 families.