504. Indigenuity: Unlocking Indigenous Solutions to the Climate Crisis: 3:00pm – 4:30pm

News 09.09.19

Posted by Reena Chadee
dense jungle scene featuring towering trees shrouded in a mysterious layer of fog.

Event time: 3:00pm — 4:30pm
Location: Pershing Hub, Convene, 101 Park Avenue
Event organizer: The Nature Conservancy

Underpinning our climate crisis is a societal belief that economic growth at all costs is acceptable and that any negative long-term impacts of this approach can be ameliorated through future ingenuity. The world needs both concrete solutions to immediate threats as well as a paradigm shift to embrace greater relationship and responsibility to the natural world and future generations. Both of these can be found in Indigenous approaches to lands and waters stewardship.

Tony Birch, in “Climate Change, Recognition and Social Place Making,” stated that “the relationship between colonialism, capitalism and environmental degradation and a consequent link to climate change is unambiguous.” 80% of biodiversity remaining in the world is now located on Indigenous lands, showing the importance of their cultures and traditional knowledge that have maintained resilient ecological systems.

This session will ground participants in indigenous worldviews of people’s reciprocity and interconnectedness with nature. It will highlight more sustainable, Indigenous-led paradigms and present concrete examples where Indigenous worldviews, stewardship approaches, and on-the-ground guardians are protecting carbon-rich forests from entrenched short-term economic interests. It will make the case for more inclusive collaborations that engage Indigenous leaders. This panel will provide a foundation for attendees to design concrete actions that will help advance climate solutions in their sectors.

Objective: This session will inspire participants to support Indigenous engagement in climate solutions.

Sign up here to attend

Partners/Sponsors: Center for Native Peoples and the Environment at State University of New York,  Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force, The Nature Conservancy, Natural Resources Defense Fund