304. Integrating nature-based solutions in the NDCs to enhance ambition and impact: 11:30am – 12:30pm

Event time: 11:30am — 12:30pm Location: Park Hub East, Convene, 101 Park Avenue Event organizer: UNDP Maximizing the potential of nature-based solutions (NBS) to enhance NDCs and accelerate implementation will be critical to meeting the Paris Agreement goals. This event will present the current and potential contribution of NBS to deliver on the climate mitigation […]
Event time: 11:30am — 12:30pm
Location: Park Hub East, Convene, 101 Park Avenue
Event organizer: UNDP
Maximizing the potential of nature-based solutions (NBS) to enhance NDCs and accelerate implementation will be critical to meeting the Paris Agreement goals. This event will present the current and potential contribution of NBS to deliver on the climate mitigation and adaptation goals represented in countries’ NDCs, as well as showcase how nature-based actions contribute to achievement of the SDGs and national development priorities.
Countries have captured multiple NBS-related actions as goals or commitments under different conventions and in various plans, strategies and commitments, including National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) for the CBD, the REDD+ Strategies and Actions, the National Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) targets for the UNCCD, and the Bonn Challenge. While in some cases the NDCs are aligned with these plans and commitments, there are several NBS actions present in those plans that can help in the enhancement process of the NDCs.
This event will present opportunities to increase national climate mitigation and adaptation action and ambition through integration of other NBS-related commitments, strategies and plans into the NDCs in order to scale cost-effective, proven nature-based solutions that have multiple co-benefits. REDD+ will be highlighted as an example of a key, high-mitigation potential NBS, with countries sharing their experiences on integrating REDD+ into their NDCs and NDC implementation plans. Lessons learned from the utilization of spatial data and development of forest monitoring systems as well as experiences with accessing REDD+ finance will be featured.
Partners/Sponsors: NYDF