Monday 9th December – 11:30-13:00 – Building climate resilience in coastal areas through risk and natural resource management for sustainability

by Nature4Climate

Date & Time 9th December 11:30-13:00 Venue Side Event Room 1 Participants TBC Type of Event TBC Lead Organisation International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Ramsar Point of Contact @ COP Ms. Dorothée Herr, Details The effects of climate change on oceans continue to adversely impact economies, humans, and biodiversity. Yet, the potential of coastal and marine NbS to […]

Date & Time 9th December 11:30-13:00

Venue Side Event Room 1

Participants TBC

Type of Event TBC

Lead Organisation International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Ramsar

Point of Contact @ COP Ms. Dorothée Herr,

Details The effects of climate change on oceans continue to adversely impact economies, humans, and biodiversity. Yet, the potential of coastal and marine NbS to support global mitigation and adaptation efforts remains underutilised. New science and successful NbS projects will be presented and discussed

Link TBC

Twitter handle TBC