Nature Positive Hub at NYCW: non-state actors join forces to tackle implementation gap ahead of first Global Stocktake
Wildfires, floods, droughts, extreme temperatures. 2023 has been a year already marked by climate breakdown across the continents. Whilst immediate action proves ever more pressing, commitments to keep up with global climate and biodiversity targets travel further away from present reality. Yet it is still possible to achieve a nature-positive, net-zero world by 2030. But it requires urgent, tangible and sustained action.
Convened by Nature4Climate, a group of non-state actors has emerged as a collective effort to galvanize action and bridge the gap between ambition and implementation on nature-based solutions (NbS) during New York Climate Week. From September 18-20, leaders from the public and private sectors, academia, NGOs, IGOs, youth groups, and Indigenous communities will gather at The Nature Positive Hub, a three-day event hosted at Convene 101, with an expected attendance of around 1,600 individuals. With more than 45 sessions scheduled, the hub will lead discussions around carbon markets, indigenous rights and leadership in a nature-positive future, as well as the role of technology in supporting climate solutions on the ground.
You can check the Nature Positive Hub full agenda by clicking here.
“There is a clear ambition versus implementation gap. Based on current commitments to cut GHG emissions, we are on course for 2.7C this century. NbS can plug the shortfall, alongside rapid decarbonisation, providing a third of the global mitigation required by 2030, but it needs the planning and it needs the funding. What we have seen over the last couple of years is that, even though pledges were made, the pace of change is not enough.”, said Lucy Almond, Chair of Nature4Climate.
Such discussions become ever more relevant in light of the upcoming conclusion of the first Global Stocktake, to take place in Dubai during COP 28, where Parties must address barriers and opportunities for the implementation of plans outlined in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Recent analysis led by N4C underscores this, as 52% of global commitments tracked show none or very little evidence of progress over the last six months, and nearly 90% of national policies worldwide have no allocated budgets for NbS.
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The entire three-day hub will be live-streamed. We invite media professionals, stakeholders, partners, and the general public to join us. You can watch the sessions on the Zoom platform or directly on the Nature4Climate YouTube Channel (Park Hub Room events). Explore the lineup and select your preferred sessions by clicking here.
Media professionals interested in covering (online) the event are encouraged to register their interest here. For media enquiries, please contact N4C’s Communications Coordinator, Mariana Ceccon, at