N4C is delighted that the Guardian and in particular George Monbiot has catalysed so many diverse voices to champion the cause of natural climate solutions.
“N4C is delighted that the Guardian and in particular George Monbiot has catalyzed so many diverse voices to champion the cause of natural climate solutions. As this letter states, defending the living world and defending the climate are, in many cases, one and the same thing. A website, Natural Climate Solutions launched on Wednesday calling on governments to back such measures and “to create a better world for wildlife and a better world for people.”

“Clean energy and other climate technologies will not be able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the scale and speed needed to deliver on ambition of the Paris climate agreement and keep temperatures well under two degrees. Along with existing efforts on energy, industry and transport, we need to change the way we use land to also address climate change. Practices such as avoiding deforestation, reforestation and sustainable agriculture can cost-effectively cut or remove a third of annual greenhouse gases emissions. There are good examples of governments and businesses leading the way on natural climate solutions by showing us how this can be achieved without jeopardizing food security or rural economies. The solutions are already known and proven – we need to scale them up, and to do so immediately. It is a tragedy we are losing nature’s precious carbon stores every minute, some of them irreversibly,” added James Lloyd, N4C Project Lead