The Mantiqueira mountain range is nestled within the Atlantic Forest which hosts a range of biological diversity similar to that of the Amazon, despite being a fraction of its size. This is where nature and people meet: translated from the original indigenous Tupi language, Mantiqueira means “weeping mountains,” in reference to the abundant rivers and springs they harbor.
The rolling green hills of the Serra da Mantiqueira rise above Brazil’s eastern seaboard, stretching over parts of the country’s most populated and economically important states: Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais. The Mantiqueira mountain range is nestled within the Atlantic Forest which hosts a range of biological diversity similar to that of the Amazon, despite being a fraction of its size. This is where nature and people meet: translated from the original indigenous Tupi language, Mantiqueira means “weeping mountains,” in reference to the abundant rivers and springs they harbor.
Today, these rivers are part of systems that provide water and energy to millions of people in Brazil’s largest metropolitan centers. The Serra da Mantiqueira has maintained human life during thousands of years. Mantiqueira now holds the key to tackling the most urgent challenge of our time: climate change.