Thurs 12th December, 13:15-14:45 || Amazonian destruction and indigenous climate ambition to increase NDCs
Date & Time 12th December 13:15-14:45 Venue Room 5 Participants Amazonian indigenous leaders, academics, specialized media, government of Peru, donor countries, environmentalists and UN and multilateral agencies Type of Event Side event Lead Organisation Federación Regional Indígena Shawi de San Martín (FERISHAM), Federación de Pueblos Indígenas Kechwas de la Región de San Martín (FEPIKRESAM) Stop Amazonian destruction, with the […]
Date & Time 12th December 13:15-14:45
Venue Room 5
Participants Amazonian indigenous leaders, academics, specialized media, government of Peru, donor countries, environmentalists and UN and multilateral agencies
Type of Event Side event
Lead Organisation Federación Regional Indígena Shawi de San Martín (FERISHAM), Federación de Pueblos Indígenas Kechwas de la Región de San Martín (FEPIKRESAM)
Stop Amazonian destruction, with the indigenous climatic ambition of Titling, Economy with the forest, Full Life Plan, Redd + Indigenous, Women and Adaptation, Indigenous Climate Platform, Minga NDC, for greater reduction of greenhouse gases and improve the ER-PD and its false “Green agribusiness”