UNDP: Toolkit for Mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions into NDCs
News 02.03.21
One sector that is currently underrepresented in the NDCs is nature-based solutions (NBS). Within the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) category, NBS comprise the protection, restoration and sustainable use of forests, grasslands, mangroves, wetlands and other ecosystems. NBS alone can deliver at least a third of the cost-effective CO2 mitigation needed through 2030. Incorporating more and better NBS targets in countries’ NDCs represents an invaluable opportunity to meet the global goal of keeping global temperature below 2oC.
This toolkit is intended to provide support to national governments in the process of including nature-based solutions in their National Determined Contributions. The tools collected in this document offer key information, methodologies and guidance for national authorities related to climate change, environmental management, forests, other land use sectors, as well as other sectors related to the NDCs. This toolkit also provides information relevant for sub-national governments seeking to align their commitments and actions with the NDCs.
Published September 2019.