Webinars: Using naturebase to inform policy and strategies for climate and natural resource management
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Naturebase is a leading-edge online platform that provides tools and resources to identify, analyse, and make informed decisions about implementing high-integrity nature-based solutions projects with substantial carbon mitigation impact while also safeguarding biodiversity. Naturebase is a free tool developed by Nature4Climate and international partners to accelerate the implementation of NCS globally.
We are hosting a series of webinars on the subject ‘How to use naturebase to develop policy and strategies for climate and natural resource management’ for policy makers and policy influencers seeking ways to deliver positive biodiversity and climate outcomes through interventions on land, driven by policy, plans or practical action.
Naturebase assists nations and key actors in developing plans and policies to respond to their commitments made to the Paris Climate Agreement and Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, by providing robust scientific data. Equally, regional communities need to consider what they can do to deliver climate and biodiversity outcomes, utilising the growing amount of private sector finance moving into this space.
Learn through this webinar how to identify what your country or region can achieve through various nature-based protection, restoration, and land management pathways, identifying where to implement these solutions and what the carbon potential could be. There will be an opportunity for questions and discussion and we will welcome your views about how the platform can be developed in the future to help meet your future needs.
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