WWF, WCS and BirdLife International: Trillion Trees Guide to Investing in Forest Restoration

Briefing Room 06.01.22

Posted by Reena Chadee
Forests take centre stage at COP 26

Recent months have seen rapid growth in the number and variety of tree planting projects around the world. The Trillion Trees Guide to Investing in Forest Restoration takes users through a series of nine diagnostic questions to consider when assessing any forest restoration initiative.

The interactive tool, a joint venture between WWF, the Wildlife Conservation Society and BirdLife International, helps those looking to support forest restoration by asking a series of questions to better understand the potential of any given restoration programme. In building the tool, Trillion Trees has worked in collaboration with the Nature4Climate initiative, following the principles set out in the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and other global guidance and drawing on the deep experience of the Trillion Trees partners over decades of expert conservation work.  Questions are specifically about how a programme might deliver progress against the triple challenge the world faces: the urgent need to address the climate crisis, the loss of global biodiversity, and the increasing inequality of opportunities for people around the world.

Access the tool