Collective Action for Forest-Positive Commodity Supply Chains
Hosted by: Tropical Rainforest Alliance, World Economic Forum
In 2020 – the critical year for forests – this session brought together leading private sector and civil society voices to mobilize forest positive action in the Race to Zero. Focus was put on taking stock of progress made in reducing commodity-driven deforestation, and demonstrating how the forests and commodities community is moving from incremental individual action to transformational collective action.
Tropical forests are 8% of the climate problem but account for 23% of the solution. Still, tropical deforestation remains as high as ever without signs of turning the corner anytime soon. To end deforestation, we must look at: agriculture; sustainable sourcing; investment flows; and coverage of zero-deforestation commitments.
“Deforestation is a key risk driving pandemics. The pandemic showed us that collaboration is the name of the game – we all feel the mission to help our communities. Over the next 12 months we need to work on supply chains to implement deforestation commitments and look over sourcing by collaborating across sectors.”
— Cristianne Close, Global Practice Leader Markets, WWF
“Today is about climate and SDG 13, but we’re only going to make real progress on deforestation by recognising that it links to zero hunger (SDG 2), to good work (SDG 8), to sustainable consumption (SDG 12), and to biodiversity and life on land (SDG 15). In preparing for Glasgow next year, let’s look at what we’ve learnt and how we can now move faster and further together.”
— Justin Adams, Executive Director, Tropical Forest Alliance and Co-Director of the World Economic Forum’s Platform for Nature-Based Solutions
Watch the session
Crystal Davis, Director, Global Forest Watch; Toby Gardner, Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute, Co-Head TRASE; Chris McGrath, Vice President and Chief of Global Impact, Sustainability, and Well-being, Mondelēz International; Cristianne Close, Global Practice Leader Markets, WWF; Perpetua George, Group Sustainability, Wilmar International; Gita Syahrani, Head of Secretariat, Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL); Nurdiana Darus, Head of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability, Unilever; Justin Adams, Executive Director, Tropical Forest Alliance and Co-Director of the World Economic Forum’s Platform for Nature Based Solutions.