
A missed opportunity: the EU Recovery plans

Fund Nature Fund The Future


New analysis shows that most of the EU Member States’ Recovery and Resilience Plans from COVID-19 have missed the opportunity to invest in nature-positive spending. This would provide significant benefits, such as creating jobs and economic value while enhancing long-term resilience, and helping to address the twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change.

Less than 1% of National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) was allocated to nature-based solutions, which have both a short- and long-term payback for economic activity, emissions reductions and biodiversity gains. There is significant risk that this historic opportunity to create a green and just society will be underutilized.

A series of outputs have been produced by a consortium of partners, funded by the MAVA Foundation. It is a collaborative partnership bringing together Bankwatch, Climate and Sustainability, Club of Rome, Euronatur, Nature4Climate, New Economics Foundation, Vivid Economics and the ZOE Institute, working with EU Member States and the EU Commission.

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Nature Positive Recovery

Principles for investing in nature-based jobs and initiatives to stimulate the post-COVID economy.


The nature-based solutions movement needs to speak, wherever possible, with one voice — to achieve our collective goals at the UN Climate Action Summit and beyond.


Our future needs to be both ‘Net Zero’ and ‘Nature+Positive’

The Forgotten Solution

Research tells us that nature can be ONE THIRD of the climate solution required by 2030 – if we are to meet the Paris Agreement goals. It is scalable, affordable and available right now.

Nature’s place in the race

Thank you for registering for Nature’s Place in the Race, on Friday 13th November. This is our summary report – and for those who couldn’t make it, you can now watch the sessions using the embedded links.

People For Our Planet Aggregator

A Movement for Nature

An ocean of climate solutions

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_With Nature

There is no climate or economic solution without nature. It’s time to push various groups to rethink working ‘WITH NATURE.’